Arthur Witheford
Arthur Witheford (1902-1941)
1941 Obituary [1]
ARTHUR WITHEFORD, who was born at Sheffield in 1902, retained a connection with his native city during most of his lifetime. He received his technical education at Sheffield University, where he obtained an Associateship and the Baker Prize. He served his apprenticeship from 1918 to 1923 with Messrs. Thomas Firth and Sons, Ltd., and after the reconstitution of the firm as Messrs. Thomas Firth and John Brown, Ltd., he remained in their employment as engineer draughtsman.
In 1929 he was appointed works engineer to the same firm and was responsible for various improvements in the plant, and for the installation of new machinery and buildings. Subsequently Mr. Witheford was engaged for two years as roads and bridges engineer by the city engineer's department of the Sheffield Corporation. He left Sheffield in 1939 to take up the appointment of workshops superintendent in the city engineer's department of Bristol Corporation, to whom he was responsible for vehicle construction, concrete manufacture, street lighting, and other similar work.
Mr. Witheford was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1935. He was also an Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. His death occurred at Bristol on 9th November 1940.