Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 164,410 pages of information and 246,085 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Arthur Hewitt Gilling

From Graces Guide

Arthur Hewitt Gilling (c1871-1940)

Born at Liverpool

1939 M.I.Mech.E., M.I. Loco. E., M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Director and General Manager, R. Y. Pickering and Co., Ltd., Rly. Carriage and Wagon Works, Wishaw, Lanarkshire. Career: Merchant Taylors Sch.; Pupil, David Rollo & Sons, Ltd.; Ldg. Mech. Draughtsman, Elect. Constr. Co. Ltd.; Chf. Engr. Mitrovitch Bros. & Co. Ltd. Chile.; Gen. Mgr. W. G. Bagnall, Ltd.; Chf. Engr. Rio Tinto Mng. Co., Spain.; Mg. Dir. Yorkshire Engine Co. Ltd.; Chf. Engr. Dorada Rly.Co. Ltd., Colombia; Dir. & Gen. Mgr. R..Y. Pickering & Co. Ltd. also Dir. Glasgow Rly. Eng. Co. Ltd. Expert knowledge of Works re-organisation; special experience of Rly. Construction and Equipment; speaks 5 languages.

1941 Obituary [1]

ARTHUR HEWITT GILLING received his technical education at Bootle and Liverpool Schools of Science from 1890 to 1895, and during the same period served his apprenticeship with Messrs. David Rollo and Sons, of Liverpool, marine engineers and shipbuilders. He then went to Wolverhampton as draughtsman to the Electric Construction Company, Ltd., with whom he remained until 1900, when he became chief engineer to Messrs. Mitrovich Brothers, of Chile and Liverpool.

During the succeeding five years he designed and superintended the erection of several large nitrate works, as well as hydraulic plants, harbour works, light railways, and the electric lighting of the City of Antafogasta. He was general manager for Messrs. W. G. Bagnall, Ltd., locomotive and air engineers, of Stafford, from 1905 to 1910, when he went to Spain as chief engineer to the Rio Tinto Copper and Iron Company. In 1914 he became general manager, and later managing director of the Yorkshire Engine Company, Ltd., a position which he retained until 1930.

During this period he was associated with the design of the "Poultney" locomotive, also an automatic brake operating gear for goods trains. After four years in Colombia as chief mechanical engineer to the Dorada Railway, he was appointed general manager to Messrs. R. Y. Pickering and Company, Ltd., carriage and wagon builders, of Wishaw, Lanarkshire, and on the reorganization of the Company was appointed managing director.

Mr. Gilling, whose death occurred on 19th September 1940, in his sixty-eighth year, was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1900, and was transferred to Membership in 1904. He was also a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and an Associate Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.

See Also


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