Ardwick Spindle Works
in Ardwick, Manchester
See also John Preston and Son
1845 Advert: 'TO SPINDLE MAKERS & OTHERS. TO BE SOLD, Four Pairs of BLOCK SWAGES, with several sets of swages and rymers. - Apply to JOHN PRESTON, Ardwick Spindle Works.'[1]
1849 Partnership dissolved between John Preston and Francis Preston of Ardwick Spindle Works[2]
The 1849 O.S. map[3] shows the works located on Lime Kiln Road, occupying an area 60 ft by 75 ft, the buildings enclosing a yard, part of which was taken up by three boilers. Immediately to the east was a large lime kiln. The map shows a pair of parallel lines connecting the works with a small building adjacent to the reservoir of Ardwick Dye Works. There is no indication whether these lines represent a water course or a tram road.