Anthony Henry Kessner
Anthony Henry Kessner (1842-1881)
1882 Obituary [1]
. . . born at Okrisko, Moravia, on the 27th of February, 1842, his father, Mr. Henry Kessner, being a forester. He was under education at the Polytechnicum at Vienna from 1860-63, passed the various examinations with distinction, and received the degree of Civil Engineer.
In the next three years he was an assistant engineer on the Austrian State Railways, engaged in preparing the plans for, and in the execution of, the Transylvania Railway.
After spending a year in France, he became an assistant to the late Mr. Edward Wilson, M. Inst. C.E., and was employed as an assistant engineer in the office, in the field, and on works of construction in Wales and on the Bristol and Portishead Railway.
Between 1866 and 1868 he was a division engineer on the Union Pacific Railroad, in sole responsible charge of the locating, design, and execution of the Utah section, 72 miles in length. . . .