Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

Registered UK Charity (No. 115342)

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 164,342 pages of information and 246,084 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

A. Schraders Son

From Graces Guide
March 1916.
January 1919
March 1919.
November 1919
January 1920.
January 1920.
November 1920.
February 1921.
November 1922.
November 1922.
June 1923.
August 1923
October 1923.
March 1924
May 1925.
March 1925.
November 1926.
September 1929.
June 1930.
February 1937.
October 1937.
October 1937.
October 1937.
March 1939.
April 1939.
May 1939.
July 1939.
April 1940.
October 1940.
June 1941
August 1941
February 1943.
May 1943
June 1944
November 1944.
March 1945.
August 1945.


August 1946
October 1949.
May 1950.
April 1950.
August 1950.
May 1951
October 1951.
October 1953.
October 1955.
Oct 1956.
October 1958.
Oct 1960.
May 1962.
September 1962.
Oct 1962.
Oct 1966.
Valve caps.

A. Schrader's Son Inc, of Erdington

and of Walkmill Lane, Bridgtown, Cannock.(1972)

1844 August Schrader established his business in Manhattan

1845 Supplied fittings and valves for Goodyear's rubber products

1849 Made diving helmet

1891 Started making valves for bicycle tyres

1905 Started making gauges for measuring tyre pressure

1914 Company founded in Britain.

Located at Willesden

1933 Moved to Tyburn Road, Birmingham

By 1937 was part of Scovill Manufacturing Co (see advert)

1961 Manufacturers of "Schrader" tyre valves, and a variety of equipment concerned in air control. 800 employees. [1]

c.1963 Became Schrader Automotive Products Division

See Also


Sources of Information