1962 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Index
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1962 Institution of Mechanical Engineers
CONTENTS Volume 176
- Portrait of President, Sir Kenneth Hague, LL.D., M.I.E.E. Frontispiece
- Presidential Address: Co-ordination of engineering research and the conservation of scientific and technical manpower Sir Kenneth Hague
- Fair copying declaration
- A nova anti-seizure surface treatment: diamond impregnation James Wells 11
- Lubricants for nuclear reactors P. E. B. Vaile 27
- Some speculations on the future of railway mechanical engineering F. T. Barmen 61
- Nominated Lecture: Design and manufacture of cigarette-making machines D. W. Molins 107
- Digital computer programmes for steam cycle analysis P. J. Turton 115
- Flow measurement of solid-liquid mixtures using Stettin and other meters N. Brook 127
- Nominated Lecture: Gear-tooth contact phenomena H. E. Merritt 141
- Performance of grain augers A. W. Roberts and A. H. Willis 165
- Method of predicting some tepees of performance of a diesel engine using a digital computer N. D. Whitehouse, A. Stotter, G. O. Goudie and B. W. Prentice 195
- Lubricating-oil filter testing K. E. Buckman and S. W. Kemp 219
- A standard contaminant for oil filter testing A. T. Weare 234
- Laboratory assessment of diesel fuel filters G. Onion and A. J. Rothwell 243
- Maintenance experience of the Calder reactors J. R. Treharne 281
- An analysis of alternative policies for the issue of commodities from stem S. Eilon 303
- Vibrations of pre-twisted cantilever blading: an additional effect due to torsion W. Carnegie 315
- Dependence of joint strength on the degree of expanding in the tube expanding process L. E. Culver and H. Ford
- First steps towards conventional nuclear power J. P. Roux and C. Bienvenu
- Interferometry applied to the study of elastic flexure J. P. Duncan
- Gridwork rigidity determined by interferometry J. P. Duncan and O. Michejda
- Hydraulic seals for extremes of working temperatures, with special reference to aircraft A. E. Bingham
- Generation of electricity by unconventional methods H. Bilks, P. D. Dunn and H. C. Whitby
- Pulversized-fuel ash disposal S. H. Dawson and W. H. Dunkley
- Effect on the performance of a small air-cooled compression-ignition engine of variations in the ambient atmospheric conditions R. F. S. Pattenden
- Nominated Lecture: Mechanical engineering in a modem oil refinery D. J. Pull
- Oil whirl of flexible rotors Z. Parszewski and A. Cameron
- Applications of automatic control to pressurized oil fibs bearings J. K. Royle, R. B. Howarth and A. L. Caseley-Hayford
- Influence of plain journal bearings on the whirling action of an elastic rotor D. Morrison
- Half-speed whirl and load capacity of hydrodynamic gas journal bearings S. Whitley, A. J. Bowhill and Miss P. McEwan
- Some aspects of the performance of high-speed lightly loaded roller cylindrical bearings C. F. Smith
- The geothermal power development at Wairakei, New Zealand T. G. N. Haldane and H. C. H. Armstead
- Design and operation of a once-through super-critical steam pressure boiler installation G. Cooke
- Hot-starting trials on reheat generating units at Ferrybridge '13' and Northfleet power stations P. E. Austin, J. S. Beck, P. Dixon, H. M. Evans, D. Kalderon, H. L. Mathews, A. H. Parish, E. J. Payton and J. Weatherson
- Steam—water critical flow through pipes Russell James
- Nominated Lecture: The Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers: its reponsibilities and problems D. A. K. Redman
- Critical conditions for hydrodynamic lubrication of porous metal bearings A. Cameron, V. T. Morgan and A. E. Stainsby
- Stressss in branched pi, under internal pressure H. Fessler and B. H. Lewin
- Actuator disc theory of the incompressible flow in axial compressors W. R. Hawthorne and J. H. Horlock
- Annual report of the Council 51 51 year 1961
- Report of the Annual Meeting, held on 18th April 1962
- Report of a Special Meeting, held on 25th July 1962
- Some comments on university teaching of mechanical vibration R. E. D. Bishop 895
- Methods of load verification of tension and compression testing machines B. Swindells and R. C. Debnam 911
- Elections and transfers of members effected by the Council from January to July 1962 925
- James Clayton Lecture: Reflections on the Institution's role in engineering education E. Giffen 947
- The Forty-eighth Thomas Hawksley Lecture: Problems of commuter traffic in conurbations Anthony Bull 961
- The Thirty-fourth Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture: Resistance of ships, with special reference to skin friction and hull surface condition H. Lackenby 981
- The Eighth Graham Clark Lecture: The engineer and the law Sir Lionel Heald 1015
- The world drive for higher productivity and the contribution of the mechanical engineer P. L. Henderson 1025
- The mechanical industries of France: their structure, development and present problems J. Lecomte 1029
- Index 1034
See Also
Sources of Information