1932 Who's Who in Railways: Name H
Note: This is a sub-section of 1932 Who's Who in Railways
Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
HALL (Lieut.-Col. G. L.), R.E., O.B.E., Assistant Engineer (Signals and Telegraphs), Southern Railway. Lieut.-Col. Hall joined the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1900, and received his commission as Second Lieutenant Royal Engineers, in December, 1901. He went through a mechanical engineering course on the London and South-Western Rail-way during 1903 and 1904, and served abroad to 1908, when he was appointed Assistant Instructor in the workshops of the School of Military Engineering, Chatham, becoming Assistant Instructor in electricity in 1910. In 1913 he was made Staff Captain under the Director of Fortifications and Works at the War Office, being engaged on electrical duties, and. in 1917 was made Deputy Assistant Director under the Director of Fortifications and Works, mainly in connection with the supply of anti-aircraft searchlights and wireless telegraph equipment to the Armies, which position he held until he went to the Board of Trade (now Ministry of Transport) at the beginning of 1919. In 1927 he joined the Southern Railway with the position above set forth.
HALL (F. C.), Locomotive Running Superintendent and Outdoor Assistant to Chief Mechanical Engineer, Great Western Railway. Mr. Hall entered the company's service in July, 1900, as an apprentice in the Locomotive Works. In November, 1907, he was transferred to the Drawing Office. While serving as a draughtsman, and still attached to the Drawing Office, he was engaged on outdoor work in connection with locomotive tests, thus obtaining practical experience on the footplate. In July, 1919, he was appointed Assistant Divisional Locomotive Superintendent in London, and in November, 1922, became Divisional Locomotive Superintendent at Neath. He was appointed Assistant to the Locomotive Running Superintendent, and Outdoor Assistant to Chief Mechanical Engineer in 1924, and in October, 1929, was transferred to the Bristol Division as Divisional Locomotive Superintendent. He was appointed to his present position as from September, 1931. Mr. Hall was awarded a Whitworth Exhibition in 1910 He is a Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
HALLY (George), Traffic Manager and Chief Mechanical Engineer, Metropolitan Railway. Mr. Hally was born in Glasgow in 1885, and educated at Uddington Grammar School and the Royal Technical College, Glasgow. After serving a six years' apprenticeship with Alley & MacLellan, Ltd., of Glasgow, he obtained further experience with J. Taylor & Sons, civil engineers, Westminster, occupying for three years the position of Mechanical Draughtsman, and for four years that of Resident Engineer. He then occupied successively the positions of Chief Engineer to the Sun Power Company, Ltd., of London and Cairo; Assistant Works Manager to W. H. Dorman & Co., Ltd., of Stafford; Engineering Manager to the Gloucester Aircraft Company, of Cheltenham; and other positions as Works Manager to important engineering firms. In July, 1923, he was appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer to the Metropolitan Railway, and in April, 1931, became, in addition, Traffic Manager to the company.
HAMMETT (A. E.), Assistant for Road Transport to the Superintendent of Operation, Southern Railway. Mr. Hammett commenced his railway career with the former London and South Western Railway at the Borough Depot, London, in 1905. He was transferred to the Claims Office of the Goods Manager's Department in 1913, was promoted to District Representative in 1917, and in July, 1919, was appointed Outdoor General Assistant. Two years later he was made Chief Cartage Assistant to the Outdoor Goods Manager, and early in 1930 was appointed Deputy Assistant for Road Transport to the Superintendent of Operation, Southern Railway. His present appointment was made in 1931. Mr. Hammett is a Member of the Institute of Transport.
HAMPTON (A. S.), M.I.E.E., M.Inst.T., Divisional Signal and Electrical Engineer, Scotland, London Midland and Scottish Railway. A student of the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, after serving his apprenticeship in electrical engineering with the Woodside Electrical Engineering Company, he joined the Telegraph Department of the Caledonian Railway as Draughtsman. He became Chief Assistant to the Telegraph Engineer in 1910, and was appointed Telegraph and Electrical Engineer in 1920. Mr. Hampton has held the appointment of Divisional Electrical Engineer (Scotland) since amalgamation. His present appointment was made in 1929. Mr. Hampton was Chairman of the Scottish Centre of the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1922, and is a member of the Institute 9f Transport and the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers.
HANNINGTON (R. A. G.), Manager, Locomotive Works, Swindon, Great Western Railway. Joined Great Western service as a pupil in the locomotive works at Swindon on October 12th, 1903. He entered the drawing office in December, 1906, and was appointed Assistant to the Divisional Locomotive Superintendent, Swindon Division, in 1909. In 1916 he was transferred to the London Division as Assistant Divisional Locomotive Superintendent, and in 1919 was appointed Locomotive Superintendent of the Worcester Division. In July, 1922, he was appointed Manager, Locomotive Works, Swindon.
HARRIS (A.), Staff Assistant to General Manager, Southern Railway. Mr. Harris joined London and South Western service in July, 1881, as Junior Clerk in the Traffic Department at Bridestowe. In March, 1:•:7, he was appointed on the Relief Staff, performing relief duty both for Clerks and Station Masters for the whole of the South Western Section. In October, 1899, he became Chief Staff Clerk to the Superintendent of the Line. In January, 1912, he was appointed Chief Staff Clerk to the General Manager (South Western section), in 1923 he was appointed Outdoor Staff Assistant to the General Manager of the Southern Railway, taking his present position early in 1924.
HARRIS (L. A.), Registrar, Southern Railway. Mr. L. A. Harris entered the railway service as a Junior Clerk at a country station, where he became familiar with booking, telegraph, parcels and goods work, together with the associated accounting. He was subsequently in the office of the Superintendent of the Line at Waterloo, and in 1892 entered the Transfer Office of the London and South Western Railway. He became Chief Assistant to Mr. J. W. Bradly (who has retired) on the latter's appointment as Registrar in July, 1923.
HARRIS (Capt. J. W.), R.N.R., Chief Marine Superintendent, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Capt. Harris was born in Glasgow in 1880. After serving first as apprentice and later as third mate in sailing ships, he joined the Red Cross Line as Third Officer, and was transferred to the Booth Line in 1901. In 1904 he passed the Board of Trade examination for extra master (sail) and became Chief Officer in the Mail and Passenger Service of the Booth Line, being appointed to command in 1909, and subsequently commanded several of the company's steamers, including the " Ambrose," " Anthony," and " Hilary." From 1913 to 1914 he was Assistant Marine Superintendent at Liverpool, and on the outbreak of war he joined the Royal Navy, serving as Lieutenant-Commander in command with the Grand Fleet and at the Dardanelles, following which he was demobilised for special service at New York, where he acted from 1916 to 1918 as Marine Superintendent for the Booth and Blue Funnel Lines. In 1918 he was recalled to Liverpool to become Marine Superintendent of the Booth Line, which position he continued to hold up to the time of his present appointment in October, 1931. Captain Harris, who was promoted Captain, R.N.R., in 1927, is a Warden of the Court of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners and a Younger Brother of Trinity House.
HARRISON (M. C.), Divisional Docks Engineer, Newport, Cardiff, Barry and Penarth Docks, Great Western Railway. Mr. Harrison joined the old Barry Railway as a pupil of the late Mr. James Bell, engineer to that company, and for some time was engaged on the construction of the East Dock at Barry, and branch lines of the Barry Company, under Sir John Wolfe Barry. After completing his articles he was taken on the Barry Railway Company's Engineering Staff, and in 1903 was appointed Assistant Engineer. In that capacity he was responsible, under the Chief Engineer, for carrying out the renewal in steel and ferro-concrete of the high-level gantries at Barry, the layout and foundations for five additional 30-ton hoists at No. 1 dock, additional power houses, and also the overhauling and renewal of the basin and deep lock gates. In 1919 Mr. Harrison was appointed Chief Engineer to the Barry and Vale of Glamorgan Railways, and held that position until the amalgamation of the undertaking with the Great Western Railway in 1922. He was then appointed Resident Docks Engineer for Barry and. Penarth Docks and Harbour, and in August, 1925, succeeded. Mr. W. H. Blackall as Divisional Engineer at Newport, .G.W.R., holding that position until receiving his present appointment, which dates from early in 1931.
HARTLEY (Sir Harold), C.B.E., F.R.S., Vice-President (Works and Ancillary Undertakings) and Director of Scientific Research, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Sir Harold Hartley has been a Fellow and Tutor of Balliol College, Oxford, since 1901, and is Bedford Lecturer on Physical Chemistry. During the war he took a prominent part in the direction and administration of the Gas Services in France, and was Controller of the Chemical Warfare Department. He won the M.C., was thrice mentioned in dispatches, and became a Brigadier-General. He was head of the Mission which reported on the G6rman chemical factories in 1919. He is a member of the Fuel Research Board, and has served on several Government Committees dealing with the application of scientific research to various practical and industrial problems, and with the necessary organisation. Since 1922 he has been a director of the Gas Light & Coke Company and a member of the Works and Works Supervision Committee, and has thus been in close touch with all the recent engineering developments of that company. He was appointed Vice-President, London Midland and Scottish Railway, early in 1930.
HARVEY (Capt. E. W.), M.B.E., R.N.R. (retired), Dockmaster and Outdoor Assistant, Docks Department, Southampton, Southern Railway. Capt. Harvey was born in Bristol in 1876, educated at the Merchant Venturers Technical College, and at the age of 14 years commenced his seafaring career with the Carmichael wood clippers trading between the Thames and Australia. After a period of service in various tramp steamers he obtained his Mate's certificate, and was appointed a Fourth Officer with Messrs. Dempster & Co., obtaining his extra Master's certificate, when he was appointed Chief Officer of the Port Royal, and was given his first command a short time later, serving in command of the Imperial Direct Line steamers until April, 1904. He was then appointed Dockmaster at Avonmouth Docks, a position to which he succeeded on the death of his father. In 1912 he was appointed Dockmaster to the London and South Western Railway Company at Southampton. His present appointment dates from January 1st, 1924. Captain Harvey is a Younger Brother of Trinity • House and an Associate of the Institute of Naval Architects.
HAWKINS (E. L.), Assistant Engineer (Maintenance), Southern Area, London and North Eastern Railway. Mr. Hawkins commenced his career as an apprentice at Messrs. Ransome's works, Ipswich, and subsequently joined the Great Eastern Railway in 1892 as a pupil of the late Mr. John Wilson, Chief Engineer of the Great Eastern Railway. In 1898 he was appointed Assistant to the District Engineer at Cambridge, and in 1908 promoted to the position of Chief Assistant to the District Engineer at Ipswich. Subsequent appointments were : Acting District Engineer, Ipswich, 1915; District Engineer, Stratford, 1918; Assistant to Chief Engineer, 1919. On amalgamation, Mr. Hawkins was appointed •Assistant• Engineer, Great Eastern Section, and in 1925 Assistant Engineer (General Maintenance), Southern Area. Following the appointment, at the beginning of 1932, of Mr. R. J. M. Inglis as Assistant Engineer (Construction), Mr. Hawkins became responsible for both general and permanent way maintenance under the Southern Area Engineer.
HAWKSWORTH (Frederick William), M.I.Mech.E., Assistant to Chief Mechanical Engineer, Great Western Railway. Entered Great Western Railway service in August, 1898, as an apprentice in the locomotive works, and afterwards served for a period in the testing house, following which he was appointed draughtsman in February, 1905. In July, 1923, Mr. Hawksworth was appointed Assistant Chief Draughtsman, and in June, 1925, Chief Draughtsman to Chief Mechanical Engineer. During his apprenticeship, Mr. Hawksworth obtained the "Gooch" prize for machine drawing at the Swindon Technical Institute, also the Great Western Railway Chairman's prize for the best aggregate results. Afterwards, at the Royal College of Science, he obtained first-class honours in machine design. For a number of years he has been a teacher in various engineering subjects at the Swindon Technical Institute, and for some years has been responsible for the organisation of the machine-drawing and design classes. He acts as a technical representative on an advisory committee appointed by the board of the Institute. For three years Mr. Hawksworth was Chairman of the Swindon Junior Engineering Society. His present appointment dates from January, 1932.
HAY (John), Factor (Scotland), London and North Eastern Railway. Entered North British Railway service in 1890 as an apprentice in the Secretary's Office in Edinburgh. In 1901 he was transferred to Glasgow to take charge of the Secretary's sub-office there. In 1905 he returned to Edinburgh as Property Clerk at Headquarters, and in 1912 was appointed Factor for the Northern, Eastern and Southern Districts under the reorganisation of the Estate Department which then took place. In consequence of the death of Mr. James Cunningham, the Factor for the Western District of the Southern Scottish Area of the London and. North Eastern Railway, and the appointment of Mr. G. P. Benzie, the Factor for the Northern Scottish Area, as Divisional Stores Superintendent, Gateshead, Mr. Hay was appointed Factor for the whole Scottish Area.
HICKS (C. J.), Works Manager, Ashford, Chief Mechanical Engineer's Department, Southern Railway. Mr. Hicks obtained his early experience on the Great Southern and Western Railway of Ireland, entering the Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Works at Inchicore as a premium apprentice in 1895. He was afterwards appointed Works Manager at Inchicore, later becoming a Junior Assistant to the Chief Mechanical Engineer. In January, 1914, Mr. Hicks was appointed Assistant Works Manager at Ashford, South Eastern and Chatham Railway. His present appointment dates from early in 1924.
HIGHT (E.), Divisional Superintendent (Southern Division), Southern Railway. Mr. Hight entered the service of the South Eastern Railway in 1896, attached to General Manager's Office; 1911, Assistant to Western District Superintendent; 1914, Assistant to Northern District Superintendent; 1917, Inland Waterways and Docks (R.E.), at Richborough; 1920, appointed Northern District Superintendent, South Eastern and Chatham Railway; 1923, appointed Divisional Operating Superintendent (Central Division), Southern Railway. His pre(sent, 'appointment dates from 1930.
HITCHCOCK (S. E.), Rating Agent, Southern Railway. Mr. Hitchcock joined the South Eastern Railway Company's Rates and Taxes Department in 1894; previously with Messrs. Castle & Son, rating surveyors; 1901, appointed Assistant Rating Agent to the South Eastern and Chatham Companies; and in 1905appointed Rating Agent. Has held various appointments as Rating Expert, including East London Railway Joint Committee, various light railways, Union Cold Storage Company, etc., Messrs. Watney, Combe, Reid & Co.; has acted on behalf of numerous authorities, etc.
HORNBUCKLE (T.), M.B.E., Chief Technical Assistant to Chief Mechanical Engineer, Euston, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Hornbuckle served his apprenticeship with R. Hornsby & Sons, of Grantham, and from there entered University College, Nottingham, for the Engineering Course, in which he gained first place in the final examinations. On leaving college he entered the service of the Midland Railway as a draughtsman in the Electric Construction Office, Derby, and in 1911 transferred to the Locomotive Works to supervise electric construction and general engineering work carried out by the works staff on any part of the Midland system. Mr. Hornbuckle later took charge of the provision and installation of new plant and machine tools. During the war he was made for work done in connection with the manufacture of munitions. In 1925 he was appointed Assistant Works Manager of the C.M.E. Works, Derby, L.M.S.R., and early in 1928 became Technical Assistant to the Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, Derby. Mr. Hornbuckle holds the degree of B.Sc. Engineering, London, and is an Associate Member of the Institutions of Civil and Electrical Engineers. His present appointment dates from January, 1931.
HORNE (H. E.), Assistant Passenger Manager, London Midland and Scottish Railway. Mr. Horne was educated at Leeds Modern School and entered the service of the Midland Railway as Junior Clerk at Armley, in December, 1888. After passing through the various grades of the Traffic Department, he was transferred to Derby to the Office of the Superintendent of the Line as Relief Clerk, in May, 1926. In October, 1889, Mr. Horne was appointed Stationmaster at Harpenden; in February, 1907, Stationmaster at Cheltenham; and in December, 1908, Stationmaster at Leeds. In 1916 he was appointed Assistant to the Superintendent of Passenger Service at Derby, and was responsible to the General Superintendent for the introduction and subsequent organisation of the Passenger System of Train Control. He was appointed. Assistant to Chief General Superintendent ((Passenger Services in 1923. He became Assistant General Superintendent (Passenger Commercial) at the end of 1929, and later Assistant Passenger Manager on the reorganisation of the Company's Commercial Department towards the end of last year.
HORNSBY (Thomas), M.Inst.T., Divisional General Manager (North Eastern Area), London and North Eastern Railway. From January 1st, 1923, consequent upon the formation of the London and North Eastern Railway, of which the North Eastern Railway was a constituent company, Mr. Hornsby was appointed Goods Manager, North Eastern Area. Previously he was Rating Assistant to the Secretary and Solicitor of the North Eastern Railway, to which position he, was appointed in 1911. In 1928, on the death of Mr. G. Davidson, Mr. Hornsby was appointed Divisional General Manager. Mr. Hornsby is widely known throughout the North Eastern , area. He is a solicitor, and served his articles with the late Town Clerk of Darlington. He achieved distinction at the Law Society's Examination in 1894, when he was admitted a solicitor, being first in honours for the whole of England. As the North Eastern Railway's Rating Solicitor, Mr. Hornsby has conducted many notable negotiations with success.
HOWDEN (G. B.), M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, Great Northern Railway (Ireland). Mr. Howden received his early training under Mr. John Gray, then District Engineer, North British Railway, Glasgow, and from 1906 to 1909 under Mr. James Bell, Chief Engineer. In 1909 he was appointed a Junior Assistant in the District Engineer's Office, Glasgow, North British Railway, and continued until 1913 under Mr. C. J. Brown and Mr. W. A. Fraser, when he was appointed Assistant for New Works, Parliamentary and Construction, in the Chief Engineer's Department. In 1919 he was appointed Senior Assistant in charge of this section of the Chief Engineer's Office, while from 1921 to 1925 he was Senior Assistant in charge of New Works, Parliamentary and Construction, Maintenance, Land and Survey and Statistical Departments, Chief Engineer's Office, North British Railway, and subsequently Office of Engineer (Scotland), London and North Eastern Railway, Edinburgh. In June, 1925, he was appointed District Engineer in charge of the Southern District, Carlisle and Scottish Area, London and North Eastern Railway, and in November, 1926 was appointed District Engineer (Head Office), Scottish Area, London and North Eastern Railway, under Mr. W. A. Fraser, Engineer for Scotland. His present appointment was made in 1929.
HOWIE (A.), Joint Accountant, Southern Railway. Mr. Howie joined the service of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway as Junior Clerk in the Locomotive Accountant's Office in 1890. He was subsequently transferred to the Chief Accountant's Office, London Bridge, where by gradual promotion he became Chief Clerk, and in 1921 was appointed Assistant Accountant to the South Eastern and Chatham Railway. Mr. Howie was an Investigator of Railway Companies' Accounts against the Government throughout the Government Control period, and was in charge of financial arrangements at Port of Richborough, including train ferry and barge services, while these were worked by the South Eastern and Chatham Railway for the Government. His present appointment dates from 1923. He was the Secretary of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway Pension Fund.
HUBBARD (Austin G.), Solicitor, Great Western Railway. Mr. Hubbard was educated at Tonbridge, and served his articles with Mr. G. R Hubbard, of Chancery Lane. He passed his Law Final Examination in 1895, and in the following January commenced a six-months' pupilage at Paddington under Mr. R. R Nelson, the Company's Solicitor at that time. At the expiration of that period he was appointed an Assistant in the Prosecution and County Court Section of the' Solicitor's Department. In later years he gave special attention to Chancery and Common Law business, and during the war dealt largely with matters arising out of emergency legislation. In February, 1919, on the retirement of Mr. J. E. Bowen, Mr. Hubbard was appointed Principal Assistant to the Solicitor, becoming Solicitor later in the year.
HUMPHREY (W. H. E.), Horse Superintendent, Great Western Railway. Mr. Humphrey commenced his railway career in the General Manager's Office in August, 1900. In 1904 he was transferred to the Goods Department, and after seven years' service on general goods and cartage work was moved to the Chief Goods Manager's Office, where he remained until the outbreak of war, when he joined the Railway Transport Establishment, going to France in March, 1915, and being demobilised with the rank of Major in November, 1919. From 1919 to 1927 Mr. Humphrey was Chief Clerk to the District Goods Managers in London and Worcester, and was also Assistant Goods Superintendent at Bristol. He was appointed Assistant Horse Superintendent at Birmingham in April, 1927, and at the beginning of 1932 succeeded Mr. A. Twist as Horse Superintendent at Paddington.
HUTT (S.), Assistant Signal Engineer, Great Western Railway. Mr. Hutt succeeded Mr. C. M. Jacobs as Assistant Signal Engineer, Great Western Railway, in 1928. He entered Great Western Railway service in the Signal Department in 1890. After a varied experience he was, in 1895, placed in charge of the Signal and Interlocking Section of the Drawing Office, and in 1908 was appointed an Assistant to Mr. A. T. Blackall, upon whose retirement, in June, 1923, he was made Assistant to the Signal Engineer. Mr. Hutt has been responsible for the design of a number of improvements in signalling apparatus. He has been a member of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers since its inauguration.
See Also
Sources of Information