1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class 7.: Stevens Patent Bread Machinery Co
1722. STEVENS' PATENT BREAD MACHINERY COMPANY, 10, Old Jewry Chambers, London.
Machinery for kneading dough, dispensing with the dirty hand-and-arm process.
Patented in Great Britain, France, and Belgium.
This invaluable invention is alike suited for the use of private families and the largest public establishments. It has already been successfully adopted by Government, East India Council, several public institutions, bakers, as well as in private families. It ensures pure and superior clean bread, and repays its cost shortly. It is produced in sizes to mix from one quartern of flour to five sacks at one time, and is applicable for making every kind of bread.
Prices: Family machines range from 35s. to £6 each, the former of which will mix at one time from 2 to 8 2-lb. loaves, while the latter will make from 15 to 30, with intermediate sizes. Machines suitable for public institutions, and bakers. range from £10 to £100 each; a trade machine capable of mixing 2 sacks of flour at one time, may be had as low as £30. Illustrated catalogues free of charge.
These machines are all made of the best materials, occupy but little space, are readily understood, and, owing to the simplicity of their construction, seldom or never get out of order.
The following are specimens of the numerous testimonials received:—
The Most Noble the Marquis of Sligo writes:-
"I have had your bread machine in use for the supply of my house for nearly four months, and I can most strongly recommend it; indeed, I have done so more than once to visitors, who left my house intending to procure one. It saves two-thirds of the labour of kneading, and enables any servant in the house to do the work; and I most strongly recommend it to every baking establishment on either a large or a small scale."
The Eight Hon. Lord Camoys writes:-
"You are fully at liberty to say and publish, that I have one of your machines for making bread, and that I much approve of it."
Lieut.-Col. Colvill, Governor of the House of Correction, Cold Bath Fields, writes:—
"I am desired by the visiting judges to inform you that they are perfectly satisfied with the bread-making machinery which you have supplied to this establishment. The average consumption of flour daily here is ten sacks; the saving has been about 1s. 6d. per sack, or £4 78. 6d. per week. The machine has been in constant use forty-six weeks, and in that time we have saved by the machine, £207. The bread is also much better; the cleanliness of the manufacture is admirable; it is a much healthier labour for the men, and the machine can be worked by any of the prisoners."
Deputy Commissary-General Robinson, of Aldershot Camp, writes:-
"Stevens' dough-making machine performs better in 20 minutes what occupies 45 by manual labour; and it has been proved to gain 12 lbs. of bread per sack of flour over what can be obtained by hand labour; the machine thus paying its own cost in a very short time."
Mr. M'Cash, master baker, of Stratford, London, writes:-
"I am perfectly satisfied with the whole operation of your dough-making machine. I believe the time is not far distant when the machine will be considered a necessity in all bakehouses, on account of its economy, and being alike a boon to master and man."
Mr. S. Shelton, Peterborough, writes:—
"I am a baker of thirty years' standing, and I confidently believe that no invention has ever given more benefits to the working man in any trade than your machine has to ours."
For further testimonials from noblemen, gentlemen, physicians, proprietors and heads of public establishments, master bakers, cooks, confectioners, etc. and opinions of the press, see the trade prospectus, which may be obtained by applying at the offices of the Company.