1851 Great Exhibition: Official Catalogue: Class VIII.
1851 Great Exhibition: Official, Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue. Class VIII. Naval Architecture, Military Engineering, Guns, Weapons, etc.
Entries 1 to 99
- 1. Richard Clayton
- 2. T. C. Clarkson
- 3. W. Exall
- 5. E. Light
- 6. John Reeks
- 7. J. Foster
- 8. William Randall Vickers
- 9. J. N. Holbrook
- 10. Thomas Lee
- 11. Edward Spencer
- 13. Alfred Augustus Hely
- 14. Hugh Bell
- 15. Royal Humane Society
- 16. C. Hatt
- 17. W. Sparke
- 18. John Robertson
- 19. P. H. F. King
- 20. William Holtum
- 21. Arthur William Jerningham
- 22. G. W. Manby
- 23. Frederick Ayckbourne
- 25. D. Offord
- 26. D. Offord and S. Bradbeer
- 27. W. H. Leftwich
- 28. Joseph Purser
- 29. Alexander Gordon Carte
- 30. Thomas Joseph Ditchburn
- 31. John Lavars
- 32. Richard Sloggett
- 33. Simon Williams
- 34. H. Walters
- 35. William F. Moore
- 36. Joseph White
- 36a. T. J. and R. White
- 37. George Randfield Tovell
- 38. W. Murray
- 39. B. Azulay
- 40. W. Deans
- 41. A. Gibson
- 42. Brook
- 45. Daniel Erskine
- 46. H. T. Richardson
- 47. J. Acheson
- 49. William Wolfe Bonney
- 50. J. Hodson
- 51. J. H. Allan
- 52. Thomas White (Junior)
- 53. A. Hawkesworth
- 54. John Reed
- 54a. J. Reid
- 55. Richard Tredwen
- 56. Wigram, Money and Sons
- 57. Jonathan Robson
- 58. T. Pentley
- 59. W. Greener
- 60. W. Dyne
- 61. Brown, Lenox and Co
- 62. Francis Fawcett
- 63. J. Betteley
- 64. B. Bailey
- 65. J. W. Pearson
- 66. Thomas Thompson
- 67. Charles Parker
- 68. Hopwood and Armstrong
- 69. Alfred Gregory
- 70. Benjamin Baillie
- 71. J. and J. Long and Co
- 72. Henry Mangles Denham
- 73. William Edward Hall
- 74. John R. Baird
- 75. M. Orr
- 76. T. Watson
- 77. J. Poole (Junior)
- 78. W. Slater
- 79. George Hamlyn Gale
- 80. Charles P. Ladd
- 81. Edward Mason
- 82. John Coryton
- 83. J. Bremner
- 84. C. A. and T. Ferguson
- 85. John H. Allan
- 86. George Lyons
- 87. Margary
- 88. William Parsey
- 89. T. Kincaid
- 90. George Beadon
- 91. Joseph Clark
- 92. Young, Dowson and Co
- 93. John Grantham
- 94. William Smale
- 95. James Honiball
- 97. J. Betteley and Co
- 98. J. E. Cottew
- 99. Edward Auqustus Inglefield
Entries 100 to 199
- 100. John Robinson
- 101. George Frederick Muntz
- 102. Henry Wood and Co
- 103. Samuel J. Browning
- 104. E. Lyon Berthon
- 105. Janet Taylor
- 106. Thomas Hemsley
- 108. Henry Pershouse Parkes
- 109. Commander West
- 110. John Soulby
- 111. James Jenkins
- 112. Fyer and Robinson
- 113. James Scouller
- 114. James Hastings
- 115. Edward Wenham Allison
- 116. John Salter
- 117. John Spenceley
- 119. T. Mathews
- 120. Edward Gilbert
- 121. J. T. Chapman
- 123. Francis Burges
- 124. J. Simmens
- 125. Stephen Smith
- 126. Esdaile and Margrave
- 127. T. Scott Russell
- 128. Ordnance Survey Department
- 129. F. A. Ellis
- 130. John Macnab
- 131. Richard Green
- 132. Joseph Howe
- 133. Henry Downs
- 134. Charles Lamport
- 135. Joseph Augustus Clarke
- 136. Northumberland Life-boat Committee
- 136a. W. R. Hawks
- 137. James Plenty and Edward Pellew
- 138. G. Milburn
- 139. William McLaren
- 140. H. Constable
- 141. Thomas Bilbe and Co
- 142. F. E. Colegrave
- 143. Henry Brookes
- 144. William Thomas Mumford
- 145. Admiralty, Somerset House
- 146. Admiralty, Somerset House
- 147. Alexander F. Campbell
- 148. H. Twyman
- 149. C. J. Mare and Co
- 150. William Snow Harris
- 151. J. Husband
- 152. I. Aldebert
- 153. Robert Turnbull
- 154. Edwin Turnbull
- 156. James Hall
- 157. Hugh Bell
- 158. William Cheselden Browne
- 159. D. Harvey
- 160. John Gray
- 161. Henry Horn
- 162. S. Endersby
- 163. Miller, Ravenhill and Co
- 164. John Thomas Rose
- 165. H. Smith
- 166. J. Holl and Co
- 167. A. Wentzell
- 168. John and Thomas Forster
- 169. George Searle and Sons
- 169a. Joseph Brown
- 170. James Lapthorn
- 171. Morris West Ruthven
- 172. Molyneaux Shuldham
- 173. Lieut. Penrice
- 174. Henry Dempster
- 176. John Pilkington
- 177. Corte
- 178. Noulton and Wyld
- 179. William Biffen
- 180. Charles Hubbard
- 181. James Brooker
- 182. John Gladstone (Junior) and Co
- 183. W. P. Flynn
- 184. C. A. and T. Ferguson
- 185. Charles Ansell
- 186. Joseph Weld
- 187. J. Anderson
- 188. Jeffery, Walsh and Co
- 189. Hugh O'Conner
- 190. Robert Anderson
- 191. Archibald Trail
- 192. Anderson and Gilbert
- 193. Robinson and Russell
- 194. E. J. Carpenter
- 195. R. W. Laurie
- 197. Francis Taylor
- 199. Isaac Naylor
Entries 200 to 299
- 200. Wilkinson and Sons
- 201. Jennens and Co
- 202. W. D. Allen and Co
- 203. Witton, Daw and Co
- 204. Landon and Morland
- 205. Peter Hawker
- 206. J. and R. Brazier
- 207. Thomas Henry Potts
- 208. N. F. Cox
- 209. Moore and Grey
- 210. Robert Powell
- 211. Firmin and Sons
- 212. Hawkes and Co
- 213. James Berington
- 214. A. Robinson
- 215. George Gibbs
- 216. J. Beattie
- 217. J. Manton and Son
- 218. W. and J. Needham
- 219. Thomas Boss
- 220. Henry Beckwith
- 221. Joseph Bentley and Son
- 222. E. Trulock and Son
- 223. Deane, Adams and Deane
- 223a. George and John Deane
- 224. Parker, Field and Sons
- 225. William and Charles Eley
- 226. Joseph Lang
- 227. H. Inskip
- 228. W. Golding
- 229. Thomas Woolfield
- 230. James Woodward
- 231. Yeomans and Sons
- 232. Henry Egg
- 233. James Fairman
- 234. Charles Osbourne
- 235. Samuel Aspinal Goddard
- 236. William and John Rigby
- 237. Edward M. Reilly
- 238. David Davidson
- 238a. Watkins and Hill
- 239. John Bull
- 240. Richards, Westley and Son
- 241. J. R. Cooper and Co
- 242. R. Walker
- 243. James Townsend
- 244. Reeves, Greaves and Co
- 245. Henry Hart
- 246. Brookes and Son
- 247. Tipping and Lawden
- 248. Robert Mole
- 249. William Powell and Son
- 250. Harry Winton
- 251. William Carron
- 251a. Baylis and Son
- 252. John Hoskins
- 253. J. Davis
- 254. J. Shaw
- 255. Thomas Fletcher
- 256. Forsyth and Co
- 257. James Erskine
- 258. E. Rippingille
- 259. Robert Haswell
- 260. Henry Needham
- 261. Joshua Brider
- 262. George Brider
- 263. Thomas Kerslake Baker
- 264. W. Golden and Son
- 265. W. Webster
- 266. John Shorman
- 267. Thomas Elsworth Mortimer
- 268. E. Staines
- 269. R. E. Hodges
- 270. William Parsons
- 271. Lieut.-Colonel Hall
- 272. C. Moulin
- 273. John Lillywhite
- 274. Richard Bearfoot
- 275. John Tylden
- 276. James Ferguson
- 277. Frederick Joyce and Co
- 278. James Grainger
- 279. Henry Smith
- 280. W. T. Gardner
- 281. Thomas John King
- 282. James Munro (Junior)
- 283. William Edward Fitz Maurice
- 284. Sarah Walker and Co
- 285. R. Richardson
- 286. William Symington
- 286a. Cavers and Lane
- 287. William Squires
- 288. Francis McGetrick
- 289. Joshua Truscott
- 290. William Greene Rhind
- 291. James Rigmaiden
- 292. James Allen
- 392. (sic) Edward Bennett
- 294. Royal Thames Yacht Club
- 295. V. Haughter
- 296. T. Hitt
- 297. D. Cherrett
- 298. W. Scamp
- 299. J. Wilson
Entries 300 to 399
- 301. Duthoit and Co
- 302. Benjamin Edgington
- 304. Thomas Stevenson
- 305. Thomas and William Smith
- 306. James Henderson
- 307. George Hedley
- 308. James Buckland
- 309. Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck
- 310. Mariners' Friend Society
- 311. Charles Cleare
- 312. Slater and Wright
- 313. Robert Sparrow
- 315. James Laing
- 316. Moses Hodgson
- 317. Lord Monteagle
- 318. John Hughes
- 319. William Jarrett
- 320. George Henry Rook
- 321. J. Pym
- 322. John Druery
- 323. G. H. Gale
- 324. Edward Harland
- 325. Augustus F. Bowen
- 326. Samuel Dutton
- 327. Anthoney Etrick
- 328. Henry Torrens Johnson
- 329. John MacDonald
- 330. Thomas Blewett Pearce
- 332. Thomas Williams
- 333. Longridge and Co
- 334. Samuel Brown
- 334a. E. G. Cooper
- 335. Jonas Bateman
- 336. William Rodger
- 337. A. B. Sturdee